Friday, January 7, 2011

Top Tattoos Gallery 2011 For Women

The Tribal Tattoo Art

Tribal Arm Tattoos in the Modern World

The very name tribal arm tattoos tells you something about these designs. They are very ancient. Many people of Celtic origin are unaware that this kind of arm tattoos played a very important role in the traditions of the ancient Celtic tribes. In fact, this was true of many other very old societies such as Japanese, Maori and African. The tribal arm tattoos and other body tattoos all had a specific meaning. Some of the meanings were spiritual and some showed which clan you belonged to. Even if you are not in love with a specific person you can wear Celtic tribal arm tattoos just because you admire the design. If you don’t want Celtic then why not take a look at Maori tribal tattoos? The Maori are well known for a culture that has kept its tattooing skills. Tattoo is so accepted and such an important part of their tribal culture that men and women are even tattooed on their faces. These are repeating sweeping swirls and are also perfect for tattoos on the arm. There are many people who are finding it a lot easier to connect to their ancestral roots by means of wearing tattoos